domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014


Eduardo Andrés Rojas Niño
Ms. Sierra/Mr. Patterson
Final assignment
May 4, 2014
            13-years had passed since I get to Colegio Panamericano. I remember how those 13 years turned into lessons, experiences, were I’ve learned from them. From all this experiences had taken me to become the person I am. Today all those memories is passing through my head, the end is getting closer. I know one day I will think back and believe I have lived the best 13 years of my life. The results of what we had worked hard are the reflection of what we learned through this years.
            I learned a lot in these last years, but each year I learn a little bit more. No just basic knowledge but also being a person, being responsible and of course being a friend. Today I remember how lazy I was in seventh and eighth grade. I remember that two years I just want to be wondering around with my skateboard, forget about my homework. I passed 8th grade with enough to pass it. I knew that high school will be different and I have to be more responsible. As I did I became more responsible of my homework and everything. Once in that year Mr. William told as “a time for everything.”
            Then high school passed it passed really fast, it feels like yesterday my first day of freshman year. I have no problem passing high school, I became more responsible and it was easier. Also I am really thankful with my parents, they were in each step I take to get here, were I am today. I am in a single step to end with this stage, and a new one will start in a blink of eyes. The decisions I make will be reflected in my past, from all my principles I had been taught.
            Today sitting here wondering how is going to be my future like. I know one thing for sure, in every hard moment I will try my best and never give up. This is what my teachers since I remember tell me to never give up. “Don´t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve” (Mary Kay Ash). It is a principle I had grown with, and I will never forget.
            My father is my inspiration; from I remember he worked hard in his job, and one time I say I want to become just like him. I know all his days are not good, but I know when he get home he always received me with a smile and a hug. He love what he does, and work always till late at night, worked hard not just for me but for my family. He is passionate in what he does, and is how I want to be when I become a professional just like him.  Having a nice family in the future is what I planned, just like I have now.
            Now that is getting to the end, this place where I passed my last 13 years it will frame in my mind all my life. In my school where I meet such great people, and lived with them great experiences. I will never forget the moment, were I get to meet those amazing people. I am really blessed from my family, my friends, my teachers, and off course from God. This is not the end; we will meet each other again.

Works Cited

"Mary Kay Ash Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 04 May 2014.

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