martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Food Inc. Power

Last three weeks we had been studying topics that relate in different aspects: race, economic and the last week with food Inc. This today is still in our society and it is important how it impact us. How these are related topics?
Well this all end up relating with the same term: power. Everything works around power, because it is a competition in which every time people want more and more. In the Food Inc. it had the power over all the food production in the US. In the movie we watched in class it talks about a company that controls all the food production. Been really close as The Economic Hitman works. The most powerfull company "Monsanto" the farmers had defined as the evil. This company controlls the production of all food. They had made rules in the way farmers had to follow them in order to harves. One of them is they can´t have or produce their own seeds, so they had to buy them the seeds. But worst Monsanto had mess with the geneticall of the crops, making the seeds the produce the crops doesn´t work. Making the production of seeds illegal, also making them as the central power.
In terms of race the movie Food Inc. Shows how the Mexicans or the imigrants worked in places were it was not secure and any accident could happen. Also in the movie shows that the police arrested the imigrants that were working in a factory. The companies do this in order to the company pay them less and don´t have to have sacure work areas.

(Image taken from

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