miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Lightbulb Conspiracy

During years companies had made strategies to increase their income. Today the world spins around the economy. Different strategies are used to make people buy things even if they don't need it. A good example of the strategies of the "lightbulb conspiracy" is when they made the light bulbs obsolete. Making them stop working after a period of time, and each time less. It is called Planned obsolescence and this is use to the people consume more, and each time more.
They made people thing the things they have became useless and for that they buy the new things. For example when the phones comes out everyone buys it, then a new one with a single change came out after 4 months. Making people want it and not knowing that is the same thing but for example with long-lasting battery.
We are getting on an era where the consumerism had became in a epidemic. Where it had became a global problem. The new things became old when you get it out of the store where you buy it. Planned obsolescence had been used in almost all companies, for them to make more money.
(Image taken from:The-Lightbulb-Conspiracy.jpg)

sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen Post

Lately this week we watched a movie called "Four Horsemen" in which in different ways predicts the collapse of the American Empire. The main causes are: war, famine, conquest, death. Also today the systems we have built had been questioned but, we had just accept the changes. 

Today the gaps between society are too high. In the world there is a lot of money and even though there still a lot of famine. "With so much brilliant knowledge, why we aren´t able to help poor people?" The film predicts the collapse of the American Empire, because we are in an age were luxry is more important than anything, the difference between poor and rich is high, and money devaluate more each time.

According to the film,  from all the money 97% is debt. Today every dollar is 5.25 dollars of debt. But they use sports to distract people from that fact. The banks get the money from the taxes all people pays. Then again is borrowed by the users of the banks. 

The question is, this would affect Colombia in either way? Well in my personal opinion it will affect. The collapse of the American Empire affect Colombia because today the world revolves around the US. From the US is where we recieve a lot of things, for example, today we received food from there. Also in our entertainig, the TV shows for example. This fact is not just to us to worry but to all the world because if one is affected maybe all could be too. This is something we have to worry because we could live in a peacefully life, but in the other hand if not we could live a though life. Trying to survive without food, and it is hard. We all have to worry about it. 

Four Horsemen. Dir. Ross Ashcroft. Perf. Joseph Stiglitz, Noam Chomsky, John Perkins, Herman Daly and Max Keiser. YouTube. YouTube, 13 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fbvquHSPJU>.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Colombian Monetary System

Colombia's monetary policies are formulated by the Junta Monetaria, and banking operations are regulated and supervised by the Superintendencia Bancaria. The Central Bank conducts monetary policy based on behavior of the financial sector, and determines the amount of money in the system and makes other decisions in line with indicators such as inflation and growth of the economy at large.

The amount of money in the economy and the bancary sistem if fractional reserves depends of the depositors and bankers. The central bakn can´t control the amount of money. The central bank is in charge of supervise the banks system, the credit of the country and control the amount of money in the economy. It is necessary to have control over the money in a country to avoid inflation. The FED and The Banco de la República are similar because both are the ones who controls the money in their countries. 

Work Cited:

"Dinero Y Sistema Monetario." Dinero Y Sistema Monetario. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Fractional Reserve Banking System

The creation of money in the United States happene in the National Reserve Banking System. In brief words the money is created when the US government ask for money to the Reserve and in exchange they give some government bonds. Then with the money the government recieve, is send to differetn banks in order to create more money. By lending money to people and then they have to pay back with some interest. The total moeny they have just 3% is on paper and the other 97% is virtual. Almost every transaction made, is virtual.
The money that is lend by the bank is always going to be multiplied, because of the interest. But this money doesn't really exist. Because if debt doest not exist, neither the money and if money doesn't exist, debt wouldn't exist.

The Video:

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Delimitation in Paramo the Santurban

for several years they have tried to exploit the paramo Santurban. this week some companies have threatened to leave because of the delimitation for oil exploration in the paramo Santurbán in Santander. 

The companies say that if the definition of the ecosystem harms their interests definitely think of leaving the country. In my personal opinion this is not fair, they use this as a way to exploit oil or gold. This natural can´t be exploit for that. What they proposed the Ministry of Environment to some residents of towns like Suratá, streaks and California, is that through a model PES replaced by mining wasteland care. Santurbán became a center of national debate against mining, economic development and conservation. The government of Santander said that the economy of the populations of traditional mining area have been affected first by the decision to declare the Santurbán Regional Park and second, the plans of delimiting the Paramo.

We have to take care of the environment, now knowing we are in global warming. Destroying this will be worst.  
(image taken from http://st.elespectador.co/files/imagecache/560_width_display/imagenprincipal/3273e8002923e7fbb48a873ae9c8e313.jpg)

"Empresas Mineras Amenazan Con Irse Ante Delimitación Del Páramo De Santurbán."ElEspectador. N.p.,               n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.

Food Inc. Power

Last three weeks we had been studying topics that relate in different aspects: race, economic and the last week with food Inc. This today is still in our society and it is important how it impact us. How these are related topics?
Well this all end up relating with the same term: power. Everything works around power, because it is a competition in which every time people want more and more. In the Food Inc. it had the power over all the food production in the US. In the movie we watched in class it talks about a company that controls all the food production. Been really close as The Economic Hitman works. The most powerfull company "Monsanto" the farmers had defined as the evil. This company controlls the production of all food. They had made rules in the way farmers had to follow them in order to harves. One of them is they can´t have or produce their own seeds, so they had to buy them the seeds. But worst Monsanto had mess with the geneticall of the crops, making the seeds the produce the crops doesn´t work. Making the production of seeds illegal, also making them as the central power.
In terms of race the movie Food Inc. Shows how the Mexicans or the imigrants worked in places were it was not secure and any accident could happen. Also in the movie shows that the police arrested the imigrants that were working in a factory. The companies do this in order to the company pay them less and don´t have to have sacure work areas.

(Image taken from superstrangeland.blogspot.com)