lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

The Economic Hitman

We had been reading the book "The Confesions of an Economic Hitman" this book was written by John Perkins. In this book shows how the United States takes adventaje from smaller contries and by the way non developed contries. In this book shows the events from history, exposing it with the reality of what really happen.
We also saw a movie related to the book called "Zeitgeist Addendum." In this movie shows how the Economic Hitman work. They are supposed to lend money to littel contries and then thinking they could afford the debt. Later they will be surprised that they had to take away either land or what the country constructed.
For example in Colombia and Panama, in the construction of the canal. The USA lend money to Colombia and because they couldn´t afford the debt they take it away from them. Also in Ecuador, the US lend money and at the end of the day they end with the forest to exploit oil.

Zeitgeist: Adendum. Dir. Peter Joseph. Zeitgeist The Movie. N.p., 2 Oct. 2008.

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domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Malaysia Airlines-Boeing 777

Last 8 of March the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 took off from Kuala Lumpur about 12:40 am bound for Beijing, disappeared. The company had been investigating that there are high posibilities that one of the two pilots could be responsable for the disappearance of the airplane. The last message they gave was "All right, good night." They don´t give any advice that something was going wrong, instead they disconected the comunication system the ACARS. Whoever spoke not mention any problems on board, apparently fooling air traffic controllers. With all this the defense minister and the ministry of transport, believed it could be one of the two pilots involved in the accident. 
(taken from

"El último Mensaje Del Avión De Malaysia Airlines Aumenta Sospechas Sobre Los Pilotos."Infobae. N.p.,                   Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

What Is My Race?

It is hard to determine wich race I am, because race is what humans use to organize society and power. Race is define as the classification of humans into large groups. They are classificated by, cultural, ethnic, genetic, nationallity and religius. According to this  I am an Hispanic Latino or also  I could be white. Race has considered the white as the superior class and black as the lower class. People think that beacuse we are from South America, we had been stereotyped. People think that we are indians. But is not like thatt and even we are equal, we are just one race, we are humans.

(image take from

What race I am? I was born in Cucuta, Colombia. In the past were I was born the "Motilones" the indians lived there, and their traits were like dark skin and dark hair. I am white skin, my hair is blond, my eyes are like yellow-green. Our traits don´t define what race we are but our actions do. Because it just exist one race:Humans. So, if you ask me: What is my race? I`ll answer you: I am human, that is my only race.

(image take from

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

The Wall InPalestine

I found interesting this video because it shows how this wall isolate palestinian comunities. This video explains how this wall had bring problems, especially Jerusalem.