domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Syria´s Conflict

The conflict in Syria had been last for many years, it still today. The struggle between the Arabs and the Israelis had no progressed to peace agreements. Their religions is one of the reasons why the conflict between the Jews and the Muslims. They fight for the land where is supposed to be the holy land. Their conflicts had been most for territory, where both Arabs and Israelis call the land as theirs.

Another reason the war starts is the political disagreements. This issue make relationships between Arabs-Israeli instable, and inconformity. Also they fight for their rights and for their rights, for what they believe it is right.

Today power is more important,
Either political or religion power
Is more important than the future of little kids,
More than the innocence of families
Today there are more religions than happy child’s
No one cares, no one's there 
Money is all, just money and that’s all
War is all and no care about anything else
While they fight either politcally or religion
kids are starving in the streets
The future is there,
If your open your eyes you´ll se that something is wrong.


In our World History class we had been studying about Syria´s conflict. We read an article of Alice Su called “How do You Rank Refugees?” In this article she talks about the treatments of the Sudanese and Syrian refugees. The treatment was not good, and they have to survive a long period of time with not much food and with families of minimum 5, and with a hard treatment is hard for them.

Two years ago I lived or well my family lives an experience of a refugee, were they hide him and help him. His story starts when he decides to leave Cuba for a better opportunity. He went to Venezuela looking for help he founded, but he was not secure and he was persecuted. He decides to leave Venezuela and came to Colombia. When he was in the way to Colombia the bus driver saw a military stop so he advertise him and help him hide. Finally he made it to Bogotá were my aunt help him. He don´t have documents, but he wants and opportunity he is a medic, but he can´t perform his career. He was scared but he went to the US embassy, after a month he receives papers and the license to go and work and continue studying in the United States.  

It was easy for him because he had a professional degree. But for refugees that have no opportunity to escape from where they are being persecuted or threatened is difficult.      

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

about me

The story of my life is short it just had passed 17 years since I was born. I was born in the border of colombia and venezuela, in Cúcuta. I was the second of my two other brothers. When I was 4 I moved to Bucaramanga, in which I had lived untill today. In Bucaramanga I´ve learn all what I know today. I´m good in sports but, my favorite is soccer, I had been playing soccer all my life I grew next to a soccer ball. In my free time I like to spend it with my friends but also with my family. This is a little bit of me.